
2023年8月7日—ConnectthetwodeviceswithaUSBcable,thenopenthePhotosapponbothdevices.OnyourAndroiddevice,taptheSharebuttonandselect“USB ...,AnotherreliablemethodfortransferringphotosfromandroidtoiPhoneisthroughBluetooth.Todothis,clickonthesettingsapponbothphones.Selectthe ...,Method5:TransferPhotosFromAndroidtoiPhoneWithoutaComputerviaGooglePhotos·OpentheGooglePhotosapponyourAndroiddevice.·Clickon...

How to transfer photos from Android to iPhone?

2023年8月7日 — Connect the two devices with a USB cable, then open the Photos app on both devices. On your Android device, tap the Share button and select “USB ...

5 Methods to Transfer Photos from Android to iPhone? [2024]

Another reliable method for transferring photos from android to iPhone is through Bluetooth. To do this, click on the settings app on both phones. Select the ...

5 Ways To Transfer Photos From Android to iPhone ...

Method 5: Transfer Photos From Android to iPhone Without a Computer via Google Photos · Open the Google Photos app on your Android device. · Click on Settings > ...

Move content from Android to iOS

To move photos and videos from your Android device to your iPhone or iPad using a computer: Connect your Android to your computer and find your photos and ...

Transfer Photos from Android to iPhone without Computer

This post reveals the best solutions that will help you know how to move photos from Android to iPhone without a computer.

5個方法快速將Android照片轉iPhone 14【2024最新指南】

2023年1月5日 — 如果你剛剛從Android手機換成了新的iPhone 14,你一定想要知道Android照片轉iPhone的辦法。從本文了解5個照片Android 轉iPhone的有效方案, ...